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Dustin Hunt - Country Music like it should be

In 1996 Dustin won the TNN/Southwest Airlnes Hank Williams Sr. Look-A-Like contest in Nashville Tennessee.  He had the honor to meet Tracy Bryd and Hank Williams III.  At the time of the contest, Dustin didn't even know any Hank songs or realize that he even sounded like him.
In 2003 Dustin  performed at the Hank Williams Museum in Montgomery, Alabama as the special guest at the Fifty  Year Anniversary of Hank's death.
Dustin and his Dad were inducted into the National Traditional Hall of Fame August 30, 2008. 
This article was printed in "Keeping It Country."
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Dustin and Bill Hunt of Lansing Kansas (DH-MUSIC.COM) were introduced this past Saturday afternoon, August 30th, to a  large crowd by Dale Eichor, of KWMT Radio/Fort Dodge, Iowa at the 33rd National Old Time Music Festival, LeMars Iowa.
The Father and Son duo sang a couple of songs each to a enthusiastic crowd before Bob Everhart,
President of the NTCMA made his way to the stage.  Everhart stated to Dustin that it was time to conduct some business. Everhart went on to say that we were fortunate to have this father and son team here with us due to both having continued serous health issues.  He then lead the crowd in prayer for both Bill, father and son, Dustin Hunt's health and to a speedy recovery so that they could continue to share their music as they have done so in the past several years.  Everhart  continued saying Dustin has become one of the best singers in the Midwest, and the very best in upper Midwest. And that through the years his father, Bill Hunt, has been behind him in every step of the way through his musical career. Everhart, then proceeded to announce to the crowd that both were being inducted to the NTCMA Hall of Fame for their contributions to Traditional Country Music as he read the plaque aloud to the crowd.
In accordance with the by-laws of the National Traditional Country Music Association, Inc.,
and the wishes of it's membership, this honor is bestowed with
humility and pride, as we recognize the significant contributions
made by this inductee in the preservation, promotion, and performance
of traditional country music, locally, nationally, and internationally.
Made this day of our Lord, August 29, 2008
at the 33rd National Old Time Music Festival,
LeMars, Iowa Before thousands of likeminded people.
This was then met with a long standing ovation and a picture taking session for the crowd and press.
Bob Everhart, President of the NTCMA has stated, Over the years it has been especially gratifying to me to see the strong reaction among celebrities in coming to the middle of a cornfield to receive the standing ovation of appreciation our audience gives the inductees when they stand before them. This year is no exception, especially with the presence of Bill & Dustin Hunt, of Lansing, Kansas.
Bill & Dustin were joined by a number of other deserving individuals in receiving this honor and recognition from what  Everhart describes as 'rural' America. "We have about 3,500 active participants in our organization, most of them are simply farmers, ranchers, down-home folks, small town residents, and middle-class Americans. They have definite ideas about what they like in musical presentations. Their favorite is the early country music sounds that came from rural America. Today's so-called country music is somewhat removed from that sound. That's why we have worked so hard to keep our festival authentic, realistic, acoustic and true to it's nature." 
Dustin and Bill received this letter from the Governor of Kansas.
 Dustin and Bill Hunt
410 Santa Fe #4
Lansing, KS  66043
Dear Dustin and Bill:
I wish to congratulate you on the great honor of being inducted into the National Traditional Country Music Association Hall of Fame.  Your achievement sheds great pride on every Kansas citizen. 
The State of Kansas is so fortunate to have musicians of your talent and ability.  Your performances as a father and son team have provided great enjoyment for many Americans and I hope will continue to inspire for generations to come.
Thank you for representing the Sunflower State and for sharing the gift of music with others.
Again, congratulations on the great honor.  Best wishes for a memorable and satisfying experience.
Kathleen Sebelius
Governor of the State of Kansas


Dustin has won several song writing and poetry writing contests.

Bill and Dustin with Hall of Fame Certificates